Playing Poker for Jewellery

First things first: new blog. I bought as a joke for about £3. I think it was easily £3/year funny,  but the renewal was going to be £30. Not that funny. And it was all a little juvenile, too, so I’ve taken the opportunity of moving to to have a refresh.

I set out to create something with a touch of class.

I’ve sincerely grown as a person thanks to the crossword community on Twitch and Discord, so to exactly reflect that, I’ve also added some original introductory content to support and, hopefully, expand our community. Please have a browse.


Anyway, the puzzle.

I discovered a little while ago that it makes a huge difference to work on fill properly before cluing. However, I then forgot all about that and left myself some hard clues to write.

Meanwhile, I have started using Ingrid to make my grids, which I’ve found to be pretty great. It’s a limitation of MyCrossword that you can only pick from the pre-formed grids, and many of them aren’t great, being underchecked, or ugly, or laden with lumps of black squares.

However, MyCrossword remains in the workflow, as it’s brilliant for cluing on mobile and for tagging clue types and definitions, with a useful list of abbreviations and indicators and so on. It’s also still a brilliant place to publish, with a nice community of people who’ll try out the puzzles and comment.

Let me know if you give this one a try.

Thanks to Juff and Joe Adultman for testing.